Artistic committee
The Artistic Committee of the Film Festival is made up of:
Ferdinando Boero as president of the Film Festival, president of the Dohrn Foundation, vice president of Marevivo, Chair of the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, anthropologist and marine biologist.
The producer Christopher J. Gervais – who is founder and president of the New York Wildlife Conservation Film Festival.
Professor Anna Masecchia, associate of the University of Naples Federico II, scholar, expert and curator of retrospectives and Film Festivals.
Max Mizzau Perczel, president of the cultural association Pianeta Mare Darwin Dohrn who conceived and curated the Film Festival, until 2021 spokesperson for the president of the CNR, senior advisor to the president of the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn and to the president of the PRIMA Foundation and co- chair for Europe of the United Nations SDSN.